January 24, 2025
CDE Today for March 18, 2022

CDE Today for March 18, 2022

Welcome to CDE Today, a weekly publication from CDE Communications designed to provide you with clear, consistent updates on what is important to California schools.

Please note: CDE Today will not be published on Friday, April 1, 2022.


State Superintendent Thurmond Supports Title IX Resolution at Assembly Judiciary Committee

On March 15, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond provided testimony to the Assembly Judiciary Committee, where he declared his support of Assembly Join Resolution 23, a resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of Title IX. No student should experience discrimination or be denied the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential. Listen to Superintendent Thurmond’s full remarks on the CDE Facebook page
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State Superintendent Thurmond Shares Insights Two Years Into Pandemic

On March 17, State Superintendent Tony Thurmond spoke with anchor Laura Garcia on NBC Bay Area’s “Today in the Bay” about how California schools are moving forward with updated guidance and specific efforts he is leading to prioritize the social-emotional needs of California students, address learning recovery, and build out the needed resources to support our teachers and the educational workforce. Watch Superintendent Thurmond’s interview on the CDE Facebook page
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Local Educational Agency Medi-Cal Billing Option Program

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and CDE are collaborating to increase the number of local educational agencies (LEAs) that participate in the Local Educational Agency Medi-Cal Billing Option Program (LEA BOP) and also increase the reimbursement amounts for those already participating. DHCS has just released the updated LEA BOP Onboarding Handbook. DHCS designed the LEA BOP Onboarding Handbook
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to provide guidance and support for participating school staff who provide services to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to become effective participants in the LEA BOP.

Additional information about the LEA BOP is contained in the DHCS LEA Program State Plan
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and the DHCS LEA BOP Provider Manual
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. For general LEA BOP questions, email [email protected]. For more information regarding the LEA BOP, please visit the DHCS LEA BOP website
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School Health, Safety & Support

Updated Public Health and Safety Guidance for K–12 Schools

As a reminder, last week, the California Department of Public Health posted COVID-19 Updated Guidance for K-12 Schools
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in California that became effective on March 12, 2022. Updates have also been made to the Group-Tracing Approach to Students Exposed to COVID-19 in a K–12 setting
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. For the most current information on health and safety in our schools, please visit the California Safe Schools for All Hub
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CalSHAPE Funding For Public School Upgrades

The California Schools Healthy Air, Plumbing, and Efficiency Program (CalSHAPE) is providing funding to upgrade heating, air conditioning, and ventilation (HVAC) systems in public schools. Applications for Funding Round Two (total available funding is $210 million) will begin on March 28 at 10 a.m. and close on May 31 at 5 p.m. In Funding Round Two, grants are awarded only for projects at sites located in an Underserved Community as defined in Chapter 1, Section E of the guidelines. More information can be found under “Ventilation Program” on the California Energy Commission CalSHAPE website
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Program Highlights

California Digital Learning Integration and Standards Guidance

The new California Digital Learning Integration and Standards Guidance is now available on a new mobile-friendly website hosted by the Sacramento County Office of Education. The site, which includes short introductory videos, provides support for educators who wish to integrate digital learning in both in-person and virtual settings. It also offers educators ways to think about how to cluster English language arts and English language development standards provided by the authors of the English Language Arts/English Language Development frameworks and suggestions for clustering math standards into big ideas, which are provided by the authors of the draft Mathematics Framework. Access the guidance directly on the California Digital Learning Integration and Standards Guidance website
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Community Schools Partnership Program—Request for Applications

The CDE has released the 2021–22 California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP) Request for Applications for the Planning Grant and the Implementation Grant. Visit the CDE CCSPP web page for more information on the opportunity, how to apply, and deadlines. To stay informed on CCSPP activities, please subscribe to the CCSPP-Info listserv by sending a blank email message to [email protected].

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching

Six outstanding teachers in mathematics and science were honored as the 2022 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) finalists from California this week. The PAEMST program is administered by the National Science Foundation (NSF) on behalf of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Presidential Award recipients are honored at a ceremony in Washington, D.C., and receive a $10,000 special award from the NSF. The California Department of Education partners with the California Mathematics Council and the California Association of Science Educators to recruit and select nominees for the PAEMST program. Each applicant must display subject mastery, appropriate use of instructional methods and strategies, lifelong learning, and leadership in education outside the classroom. Read about the PAEMST finalists in the CDE news release.

Mathematics Framework Revision Public Review

The second 60-day public review of the draft Mathematics Framework began on March 14, 2022, and has been posted to the CDE Mathematics Framework web page. The draft reflects input from California parents, educators, students, and others who commented during the first review period and during the Instructional Quality Commission’s May 2021 meeting. The draft provides guidance for mathematics learning for all students at all levels of math—including calculus—and ensures students have a wide variety of options, including pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in college and career. Also available are revised Frequently Asked Questions about the current draft. Comments will be accepted at [email protected] through May 16, 2022. All comments received will be forwarded to the State Board of Education, which is expected to take final action on the framework at its July meeting.

Williams Monitoring Update

A new list of schools identified for Williams monitoring is now available on the CDE Schools Identified for Monitoring web page. The term “Williams” is commonly used to refer to several issues for which standards of service were established in a 2004 settlement to a lawsuit. As a part of the settlement, California created new state law (sections of Education Code) stipulating that certain levels of service must be maintained by California school districts in the service of students, their parents and guardians, and the local educators. Additionally, the settlement established regular formal monitoring for Williams issues, and it created complaint procedures for anyone with concerns regarding compliance to the laws.

Assembly Bill (AB) 599 (Chapter 667, Statutes of 2021) became effective on January 1, 2022, and updated the criteria for schools eligible for monitoring under the Williams settlement legislation. Learn more in the CDE letter sent to LEAs.

Events and Opportunities


Funding Opportunity—Learning Communities for School Success Program

The Learning Communities for School Success Program (LCSSP) provides funds to LEAs to support programs aimed at improving student outcomes by reducing truancy and supporting students who are at risk of dropping out of school or are victims of crime. The LCSSP is the result of Proposition 47, which reduced the penalties for certain non-serious, non-violent offenses and allocated 25 percent of the resulting statewide savings for LEA grants. LEAs with a high rate (exceeding the state average) of chronic absenteeism, dropout, and out-of-school suspension will be given priority as well as those with a significant representation of foster youth or in a community with a high crime rate are eligible. Learn more on the CDE LCSSP web page.

California STEAM Symposium Call for Proposals—Deadline March 25

The California STEAM Symposium is celebrating its 10th anniversary, and those interested in presenting can apply today to submit a proposal for the STEAM Symposium
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. This year’s theme is “Advance Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in STEAM: Access, Awareness, Opportunities, & Outcomes.” Throughout the event, we will come together to explore high-quality strategies to cultivate systems that promote lifelong learning for everyone through inclusive and targeted practices and high-impact techniques and policies, whether from a classroom or organizational point of view. These approaches promote a sense of belonging and ignite student passion for learning as well as support the social-emotional development of our education community. The deadline for submissions is March 25, 2022, and primary presenters will be notified by mid-May whether their presentations have been accepted. Multiple submissions and co-presenters are encouraged.

2022 National Youth Science Camp Applications—Deadline March 31

The CDE and the National Youth Science Foundation are excited to announce that applications for the 59th annual National Youth Science Camp are open. The camp will be held virtually from June 27 to July 20, 2022. As part of the program, scientists from across the nation will present lectures and seminars and linger to interact informally with student delegates. Delegates are challenged to explore new areas in the biological and physical sciences, art, and music with resident staff members. The submission deadline for applications is March 31, 2022. For more information and to apply, read this CDE letter and visit the National Youth Science Camp web page
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Financial Aid Application Filing Deadline Extended—April 1

The state priority application deadline has been extended to April 1 for all four-year institution-bound students to submit a free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA). Students should apply on the Federal Student Aid Complete the FAFSA Form web page
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for the FAFSA or on the California Student Aid Commission California Dream Act web page
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for the CADAA. For more information, contact the California Student Aid Commission Program Outreach and Marketing Unit at [email protected] or the CDE College Preparation and Postsecondary Programs Office, Career and College Transition Division, at 916-323-6398.

2022 Classified School Employees of the Year Applications Open

Applications for the 2022 Classified School Employees of the Year (CSEY) Program are open. Presented by the CDE, the California School Employees Association, and California Casualty, the CSEY Program highlights the contributions of classified school employees who support the education of California’s more than six million public school students. The program identifies and honors exemplary classified school employees throughout the state in the following nine occupational specialties: paraprofessional, clerical and administrative services, transportation services, food and nutrition services, custodial and maintenance services, security services, health and student services, technical services, and skilled trades. The deadline for applications is Friday, April 8, 2022. The 2022 CSEY application and more information are available on the CDE CSEY web page.


Building a Network of Safety for School Communities Webinar Series: Strengthening Protective Factors—March 22

Research demonstrates that protective factors help reduce suicidal ideation and behaviors. This webinar will provide school administrators, educators, and staff the opportunity to learn about evidence-based and promising programs that build protective factors and reduce risk factors for suicide as well as peer-base approaches. Participants will have the opportunity to hear from a selection of program administrators and learn about resources to promote during Mental Health Matters Month in May, including a selection of youth-led activities and events. Register for the Building a Network of Safety webinar on Zoom
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. For more information, contact Monica Nepomuceno, Interim Education Administrator, at [email protected].

Spring Early Literacy Virtual Professional Learning Network (PLN)—March 30

The PLN is sponsored by the CDE in collaboration with the California Collaborative for Excellence in Education through the Expert Lead in Literacy grant. Join Sacramento County Office of Education, district, and site colleagues, as well as collaborators interested in literacy, on March 30, 2022, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. as we learn about evidence-based practices in early literacy, grades TK-3.

Dr. Carol Tolman will kick off our event with a keynote address on the topic of Scarborough’s Rope: Language Comprehension. In breakout sessions, attendees will have the opportunity to learn from experts in the field of reading instruction for English learners, whole-child design, and inclusive practices in literacy. There will be an optional opportunity from 12:40 to 1 p.m. to connect with colleagues from your region to discuss implications for your work. This event is free of charge, but registration is required. Register for the Early Literacy Virtual Professional Learning Network
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State Superintendent Thurmond Names Alice Waters California Education Ambassador

State Superintendent Tony Thurmond named Alice Waters—chef, author, restaurateur, food activist, and educator—as an Ambassador to California Education during a visit to Michelle Obama School in the West Contra Costa Unified School District on March 9. Waters joins distinguished Education Ambassadors Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Dolores Huerta, Dr. Karen Korematsu, and Betty Reid Soskin in demonstrating outstanding dedication and contributions to support California’s students. Read more in the CDE News Release.

Monterey County Student Wins Migrant Parent Conference Art Contest

The CDE’s Migrant Education Office congratulates Monterey County high school senior Yaresmie for her beautiful student artwork, which was selected for the 41st State Migrant Parent Conference as the logo contest winner. Yaresmie’s piece, which can be viewed on the CDE Facebook page
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, fully captured this year’s conference theme of “Literacy for All: Reading Is an Adventure in Any Culture.” The Migrant Parent Conference will take place virtually on Saturday, March 19, 2022, and this year’s keynote speaker is Dolores Huerta, American labor leader and civil rights activist. For information and to register, visit the event website
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. Please email [email protected] with any additional questions.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Thursday, March 31 is César Chávez Day

The CDE will be closed for the state and national holiday. On this day, we celebrate and honor the late Mexican-American civil rights activist and labor leader. Committed to the tactics of nonviolent resistance, Chávez founded the National Farm Workers Association (later the United Farm Workers of America) and won important victories to raise pay and improve working conditions for farm workers in the late 1960s and 1970s.

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Send Your Feedback

The CDE is committed to improving communications with more than a thousand school districts and county offices and 10,000 plus schools. If you have any feedback about this publication or would like to see information on particular topics, please email [email protected].

Last Reviewed: Friday, March 18, 2022