Elections West Holmes Local School District Board of Education

There are four candidates vying for three seats on the board of education of the West Holmes Local School District in the Nov. 2 election.
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Board member Brad Welsh will not be seeking re-election when his term expires, while Andrew Jones and Tina Zickefoose will be trying to maintain their seats on the board, as challengers Hans Ramseyer and Micah Snyder are also seeking election.
Andrew Jones
Jones, the school board president, commended the work done by Welsh over the past four years.
“Having known Brad for several decades it has been a pleasure to serve with him over the last four years on the school board,” Jones said. “He has a wealth of knowledge in education and business and a long-standing commitment to West Holmes Schools.
“I will truly miss his leadership and jovial personality that he has shared with all of us during his time serving,” Jones added. “He always provided a no-nonsense approach to his boardmanship and we thank him for his service.”
Jones is the assistant county engineer for Wayne County. He served in a similar position in Coshocton County for 12 years prior, as well as working as village administrator for Millersburg,
“West Holmes Schools is blessed to have great people working for our district, whether they are teachers, staff, coaches and administrators,” he said. “As with everything, funding of schools throughout Ohio continues to be a problem and while we continue to wait for a state-wide solution, we must continue to be fiscally responsible as a community in order to maintain the high level of education our children deserve.
“As a board member for the last four years, I have a gained an even stronger commitment to our school and look forward to continuing to serve our community,” Jones continued. “I have always prided myself in being a good, responsible steward of public funds in my professional life and I plan to continue this approach working with the Board of Education and our administrators. I would appreciate your continued support.”
Hans Ramseyer
Ramseyer was born and raised in Millersburg. He is a 1995 West Holmes graduate and father of four students in the district who wants to get back to basics. He sees this as an opportunity to get involved and help out.
“I would like to get back to our basic principals, such as God in school, teaching our kids the fundamentals to give them the tools to take the next step, whether it’s to come back to the community or to further educate themselves,” Ramseyer said. “I think we need to listen to the parents and the teachers.
“My personal opinion right now seems like the teachers are overwhelmed with what they have to do, and I don’t think that our kids are being educated to the high standards I was raised with,” he added. “So I’d like to get back to basics and allow our teachers to do their job and have a board that actually puts kids first. We need to clear out the politics and focus on the children. I’m here for the kids. I have four children, so I’m going to be here for a long time. I think it’s important if you have children in the school, you should be on a board. Those are the people who should be on boards to help.”
Micah Snyder
Snyder has been living in Holmes County for the past 15 years and would like to see the West Holmes district maintain its small-town charm. He wants to see the community stay safe for his children.
“Some places change but not always for the better. Holmes County has changed, but has managed to keep its small, hometown feel,” he said. “That’s what I’d like to see continue, and it’s got to start at the school board level.
“The children are our future, no matter how you look at it, and for them, I see so many anxious kids anymore,” Snyder continued. “There’s more to school than being worried. I’m driven to continue the great legacy we’ve got going here.”
Tina Zickefoose
Zickefoose is grateful for the opportunity to serve the West Holmes district.
“I love my community and district,” she said. “I want every child who walks through our doors to leave with a solid education and hope for a better future. And I am honored to be a small part of that equation.”